Group Domain Rentals

Using the search and group building tools you can build a group of domains to place into a single bid on the Rent or Buy Domains page.
Choose Category
Refine your group by searching within specific categories.
Domain Redirection or Duplicate Website Template
Search within domains that allow Redirection, or domains that allow Requests for Redirection from the owner prior to renting.
Rental Price
Use the slider to refine your search to a specific price range.
Select Domains
Use the check boxes to select which domains within your search you’d like to put into your group. Click the Domain Name check box to select all domains visible, or use the Per Page selector to assemble all of the domains you’d like to group into one page view before clicking the Domain Name checkbox.
Group Action
Once you’ve selected your group, use the Group Action button to apply your desired action to the domains after winning the bid. You may choose only one action per group - any action previously applied to individual domains will chnaged by this group action.
Refine Selection
You may refine the selection of domains collected in your group using the Refine Selection button.

Rent All: Selected Group
Once you’ve refined your group, click Rent All to show your the total amount of your bid and the actions that will be preformed on the domains upon winning the bid. Click Submit Bid to place your bid for all domains in the group.

Rent All: Selected Group
A bidder may rent the entire list of domains available on Rentstant on a daily basis. The person renting the entire list must have at least 10 days worth of money in their account to do so, and some urls will attempted to be rented back from this total as soon as you click the Rent All button. Note, that when you rent the every domain on the website, you are guaranteed only 23 hours for each of those domains for the following day. And the system will continue to rent all of these domains on your behalf for every day that follows until someone else rents any of the domains at a higher price, or you turn them off, or you run out of money (if you don't have Auto-Pay enabled). The current renters, if any, will receive a note that their domain name has been rented, and they may choose to rent it back at higher price before 6 PM, PST. So your list may diminish in size before 6PM PST, unlesss you bid higher than others.