About Rentstant
People who own domains really don’t own ANYTHING…they are ONLY RENTING them from the Government. Every year so-called “owners” must pay Govt managers managing amounts varying from $9 to $30 per year. Rentstant enables domain owners to rent the domains they have purchased on a daily basis to the highest bidder, or for the long term if the renter wants to pay a price the owner sets. At minimum, the platform allows so-called “owners” the ability to earn money to contribute towards those tithes to the King. But bettter, it allows them to put significant money in their own pocket. Additionally, if the so-called “owner” wants, they can sell the domain to someone else at a price they set.
The alternative to this is simply using parking services, where you point your domain or purchase software they places what in large part, wholly irrelevant advertisements on your domain, yielding you near zero money. Obviously, some who can potentially take possession of renting your domain NOW, and allowing them to apply it to a business that they are building, helping them to come out higher in the Search Engine Rakings, will be willing to pay more than merely someone who is posting irrelevant ads on your domain. Give it a shot, and then, use the email marketing software to notify people with other businesses, why they may want to rent your domain!