Buying or Selling Domains

Once you’ve added your domain to Rentstant, you can choose to offer it for sale and set your sale price. Bidders can now see your offer price and buy your domain right on Rentstant.

Making Offers
Bidders can make offers for your domain even if you haven’t listed it for sale. Buyers should note that while Rentstant tries to hold Sellers accountable to following through on a sales price, Rentstant can not guarantee they will and will consequently be at risk for being removed them from the Rentstant system. Renters need to make reasonable offers and not harass owners or risk being removed from the system.

Domains for Sale
If a Buyer decides to purchase a domain, they click the Buy Domain icon and it will take them to who will effect the sale of the Domain Name on Rentstant behalf. Rentstant takes 12% of the Listed purchase price as our percentage for effecting the sale. takes a little less than 1% of the sales price. These two costs come out of the listed purchase price, so the Owner gets the remaining amount, minus the 13%, which is approximately 87% There is an additional fee to use which the buyer must pay in order to complete the purchase, and this amount goes entirely to
Price Increases
A bidder may rent the entire list of domains available on Rentstant on a daily basis. The person renting the entire list must have at least 10 days worth of money in their account to do so, and some urls will attempted to be rented back from this total as soon as you click the Rent All button. Note, that when you rent the every domain on the website, you are guaranteed only 23 hours for each of those domains for the following day. And the system will continue to rent all of these domains on your behalf for every day that follows until someone else rents any of the domains at a higher price, or you turn them off, or you run out of money (if you don't have Auto-Pay enabled). The current renters, if any, will receive a note that their domain name has been rented, and they may choose to rent it back at higher price before 6 PM, PST. So your list may diminish in size before 6PM PST, unlesss you bid higher than others.
Follow through on your Listed Sales Prices
If you do not follow through on a price you have listed a domain for, (as if you changed your mind or are too busy to complete the transaction), Rentstant will be forced to consider removing you from Rentstant. This is done to keep the Rentstant environment trustworthy between all Buyers and Sellers and to ensure its vibrancy for the value of the entire network. Please treat all members as your customers and with mutual honor and respect, and report any problems to Rentstant.